Bosch CC 160 13,5 kW
We stock most spare parts for yourxa0Bosch CC 160 13,5 kW heat pump. All our Bosch spare parts are original and covered by a 12 month warranty.
By using Bosch original spare parts, you ensure the operation of your heat pump, heat pump life and heat pump efficiency.
If you are missing any spare parts for yourxa0Bosch CC 160 13,5 kW Heat Pump please do not hesitate to contact us.xa0xa0
33 Items
- Bosch 026. Front plate mont. IVT 290Frontplåt mont. 290 IVT£260.30
- JS Energi Flexible hose 3/4 90 degree bend Length = 640 mmFlexible hose JS Original Diffusion-proof 3/4" 90 degrees bend 64cm 3 years Warranty. Alternative to IVT 87107352290.£56.16
- Bosch 002. Elanodsats
Elanodsats till värmepump från IVT/Bosch
£250.80 - Bosch 039. Coupling T 22x22xR20 inv
Koppling T 22x22xR20 inv
£58.37 - Bosch 029. Back plate 290Bakstycke 290£102.45
- Bosch 028. Side plate 290 leftSidoplåt vänster 290£132.32
- Bosch 024. Rubber foot M10x35Gummifot M10x35£11.55
- Bosch Air nipple 020. 4132-6 1/8
Luftnippel 4132-6 1/8
£17.86 - Bosch 006. Sensor NTC 1338mm molex
Givare NTC 1338mm med Molexkoppling
£36.18 - Bosch Sensor NTC 620mm molex
Givare NTC 620mm molex
Denna givare passar bland annat till följande pumpar:
£43.47 - IVT 015. Display Card Rego 800 loaded
Displaykort Rego 800 laddat
Detta displaykort (nr 15 på bilden) passar till följande värmepumpar:£298.22 - Bosch Load monitor card 800
Effektvakt 800
Passar till följande värmepumpar:
£179.21 - Bosch 021. Safety valve 2.5 bar kpl.Säkerhetsventil 2,5 bar kpl.£95.46
- £17.86
- Conlego 005B. Eltillskottskort 800 v2.20 with quick connectorEltillskottskort 800 v2.20 snk£375.67
- Bosch 005a. Immersion heater control board 800 v2.20
Immersion heater control board 800 v2.20
£357.43 - Bosch Cable 3-way valve 900mm SPKablage 3-vägs ventil 900mm SP£43.93
- Bosch 004. shuttle valve 525 - G1" Motor EMV110M
Växelventil 525-G1" Motor EMV110M
Används till pumpar tillverkade efter November 2008
£206.87 - Bosch 035b. Pressure gauge 4bar 1/8" 20100609->
Manometer 4bar 1/8" från 2010-06-09 och framåt
£33.59 - Bosch T connector 22mm + 1 pc flangeT-koppling 22mm + 1 st fläns£41.19
- Bosch Hose 3/4" L = 1350Slang 3/4" L=1350£79.65
- Bosch Hose 3/4" L = 500Slang 3/4" L=500£61.64
- Bosch Cabling 290AW 400V 3N ~Kablage 290AW 400V 3N~£68.25
- Bosch Wiring harness WH commonKabelstam VVB gemensam£320.34
- Conlego 011. Terminal-Relay Card 800Plint-Reläkort 800£230.36
- Bosch 012. Outside sensor IVT TT enclosureOutdoor sensor IVT TT enclosure suitable for all IVT Heat pumps.£40.58
- Bosch 014. Power supply 12V + 15V SMPSPower supply 12V+15V SMPS£147.44
- Bosch Gul dekorlist mod. 99Gul dekorlist mod. 99£15.88
- Bosch Roof boiler£75.39
- Bosch Terminal Surface FBS 2-8Plintbygel FBS 2-8£11.55
- £22.80
- Bosch 018. VVB 145/55 FC 290VVB 145/55 FC 290£1,784.56
- IVT Motor valve L = 1.2m
Myson motorventil med kabellängd 1,2 m.
Spare Parts
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